A Special Blessing
Today I’m not sharing a recipe…just a story…a Special Blessing really.
Summer’s coming and that means many things…no school, hot weather, free time, staying up late, sleeping in and Camp!
For the last several years Camp has been the highlight of the summer for our children. Each one began going around fourth grade. They spend four-five days there, away from the “distractions” of their every day life enjoying outdoor activities, fun, games and most importantly, preaching and teaching from God’s Word.
Sending three children to camp for a week isn’t always easy for a one income family so we’ve allowed our children to be involved in the process of “funding” their camp week. We have asked them to pray and allow God to provide ways for them to earn this money. Over the years this has included selling candy bars door to door and working for others doing gardening, passing out flyers, babysitting, and washing windows. EVERY year, no matter how much money they needed, they have ALWAYS had enough.
Our son’s main source of income has been the door-to-door sale of candy bars. He’s been doing this several years now and people in our neighborhood seem to recognize him.
This week, he and I began our yearly trek around the neighborhood with his candy bars. Here in Texas, it’s important to do this before it gets too hot…nobody wants to buy a melted candy bar. Before leaving, we prayed together and asked God to bless his efforts and allow him to sell lots of candy. Sales went very well that first night and our entire box was sold in about thirty minutes.
A couple of days later, after purchasing more candy (two boxes this time), we headed out again . Again, sales were going well but it was beginning to get dark and I was chilly. We decided to finish up the last few houses on the street and head home.
Near the end of that street lives a couple we know. They’re a very sweet couple, he’s a pastor and their grandchildren live on our street and are good friends with our children. Although they don’t eat candy, they usually buy a few bars to help out. I usually stand on the sidewalk and allow him to go to doors by himself, but since we know these folks I went with him to the door, just to say, “Hi”.
my son knocked and “Pe-Paw” (as we call him) answered the door. my son asked if he would like to buy a candy bar. Pe-Paw began to talk to us and ask questions about camp, specifically about how much was needed, how much we had and when it was due. Then to our great surprise he said, “my son, I’m going to give you $50. I don’t want any candy bars, this is an investment in your life.” He took the time to talk with my son and encourage him to listen, pray, and allow God to work in his life while at camp. Before we left, Pe-Paw prayed with us and asked God to use our son in a great way. We were shocked and overwhelmed by his generosity and kindness in word and deed!
We try never to be surprised that God provides, but we are often amazed at how He does it. It’s almost never the same way twice, never too little and never too late.
What a blessing it is for children (and adults) to see God’s hand at work in their lives as He provides not just their needs but sometimes their “wants”!
Lisa notes…
May 21, 2014 at 9:08 AM
Aw, I love this! Too often I don’t even think of this option; I just think, “I don’t need a candy bar, so no.” My husband is better though; on Sunday he saw a young lady wanting to buy a cookie from some kids raising money, but the girl had no money. So he bought the cookie for her then threw in an extra $5 if they would not give him a cookie. 😉
May 4, 2014 at 6:20 AM
Wow thank you for this I needed this message today – see God provided for what I needed just to encourage me through this message. Thank you.
April 11, 2014 at 5:35 PM
This truly brought tears of joy to my heart. God bless you Pe Paw for investing in our grandson’s life and for taking the time to actually pray for him!!
Mary Leigh
April 9, 2014 at 6:10 AM
Great story Danita! What a great reminder!
April 7, 2014 at 1:28 PM
That is so encouraging! It is truly an investment in our kids lives. What a blessing.
April 7, 2014 at 11:12 AM
This is such an awesome story!! I remember going to church camp each summer and having to raise the money to go! Our youth group at church mowed yards, sold raffle tickets, and had a big garage sale!! We had the best time raising money to get to camp 🙂
April 7, 2014 at 8:05 AM
What a kind gesture that was!
April 7, 2014 at 8:02 AM
What a great blessing! Our kids loved church camp!
April 7, 2014 at 7:36 AM
Mmmm…. CHOCOLATE!!!!! I used to love camp. It is great you are helping them learn about earning and budgeting money. Too many kids are handed things and then have a sense of entitlement or don’t know the worth of a dollar.
Amy A
April 7, 2014 at 7:26 AM
That’s so wonderful! I also have 3 kids and summer activities are pricey – what a great experience for all of you!
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