• Imagination and Faith? I John 1:5

    July 3, 2024Danita

      Warning: This is a long post but I hope you will read all the way to the end and though not a typical “recipe” but maybe it will give you some food for thought.  A few weeks ago our pastors began a series on spiritual disciplines and the first one was… meditation. For years I have made it a practice to start my day with a time of reading God’s word, prayer and sometimes meditation. Since this sermon a coupe of weeks ago, I have been challenged to spend more time on the meditation part. This morning I started by reading I John 1:5.                 “Now this is the message we have heard from Him (Jesus) and declare to…

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  • H-E-B …. Worth the Hype?

    June 28, 2024Danita

    Y’all, it finally happened!!!!  In Mansfield, Texas, the LONG awaited and MUCH anticipated day arrived!!! Our new H-E-B finally arrived! “What’s H-E-B?” you may be asking. Well, for the non-Texans…

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  • Family 2019

    Is There a Doctor in the House?

    November 26, 2019Danita

    Compensation was provided by Amwell via Momtrends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Amwell or Momtrends.  It’s that time…

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  • Carmel-by-the-Sea

    June 2, 2019Danita

    Close your eyes and imagine with me, if you will, the perfect California seaside village with beautiful coastline, lush green pine trees, rocky cliffs descending into the sandy shore and…

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  • Medieval Times Junior Knights Training

    February 28, 2019Danita

    Experience The Excitement of Medieval Times this Spring Break.  A Four-course feast awaits as you watch the pageantry and thrills of an authentic medieval tournament come to life inside the…

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