
Summer Recap

August 18, 2016Danita
Photo courtesy of Jessi Marie Photography

It’s been a busy, busy summer and I’ve been a bit MIA.  Life just got in the way and there was no time to cook new things, photograph or write.  So, I wanted to share a Summer Recap to give you an idea of what we’ve been doing recently.  And because our photographer shared some amazing wedding photos I’d love for you to see!

As you may know (because I talked about it a lot) my oldest daughter got married, so much of our summer was spent planning the wedding.  


We also spent a week with our teens at camp in Louisiana.


The whole family celebrated our son’s 15th birthday


The ladies in our family attended a couple of bridal showers

And of course…..

wedding selfie

The wedding!

I didn’t have my phone with me during the wedding so I didn’t take any pictures.  But, my husband did snap this selfie just before walking her down the aisle.

oldest daughter and middle daughter

And this one, of both my lovely daughters, I copied from FB.  

Our wonderful wedding photographer has just started a blog with oldest daughter and Daniel’s wedding being her first post.  If you’re interested in more wedding photos, just click over to Jessi Marie and check out her amazing work!  

With the wedding also came out-of-town family and friends! (Which I realized I got NO pictures of)  Although the bride and groom went off to Colorado, our guests stayed! Yeah, fun times!  For a few days we had 12 people staying at our house!  I will admit it was a bit loud and maybe a little crazy, but we enjoyed every minute of it!  The weather was sweltering so we didn’t plan much….just swimming at my parent’s house, eating, card playing and movie watching.  I love just hanging out and spending time together.  

Well, everyone’s back home, the newlyweds are getting settled in their new home in Louisiana, and my house is back in order….Ok, well almost.  It’s time to start thinking about school, making more yummy recipes and getting back into a new routine.  I have a great bacon appetizer post in the works as well as Wedding on a Budget Tips.  

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you’ll visit again over the next few weeks to see what’s cookin’!




  • Melissa

    August 18, 2016 at 12:27 PM

    Sounds like everyone had a great time! Love the pictures!

  • Jennifer

    August 18, 2016 at 12:13 PM

    A very full and wonderful summer! Love the pictures!

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