The Tastes of Christmas on Family Fun Friday
Welcome to Family Fun Friday!
It’s the week before Christmas and all through the house every creature is stirring….even the mouse!
Ok, we haven’t actually seen a mouse, but you know what I mean. It’s officially one week until Christmas. Are you ready? Not me! I’m a terrible procrastinator when it comes to Christmas shopping. I enjoy it, I just can’t seem to make a decision about what to get or find the time to go get it. We do a lot of our shopping online and I must say, it’s just not the same. My husband and I used to go shopping for the kids and get it all done in one trip to Toys-R-Us. Well, it’s been a LONG time since I’ve been inside one of those stores.
One thing we have been doing a lot of is baking! We’ve made caramel corn, party mix, chocolate chip banana bread, crackle cookies, chocolate chip pound cake, and will be making gingerbread cookies and my favorite… Russian Tea Cakes.
I guess that’s why this week’s features are The Tastes of Christmas! I love how all of our senses are involved with the Christmas celebration!
1. Cranberry Mousse by A Mother’s Shadow. A perfect, refreshing salad for Christmas or anytime.
2. Pineapple Gingerbread Bars by So Much To Make. A moist, chewy gingerbread crust melded into a sweet juicy pineapple topping.YUM!
3. Peppermint Chocolate Truffle Pancakes by Kleinworth & Co. Sounds like a wonderful Christmas morning breakfast.
4. Peppermint Chocolate Ice Cream Cups by Faith Filled Food for Moms. I’m glad to know I’m not the only who likes ice cream in the winter.
5. Chocolate Crinkles by 2 Kids and Tired Cooks. We made a batch of these this week for some friends. LOVE THEM!
6. The Ultimate Christmas Cookie by Bewitch’ Kitchen. That must be one DE-LICIOUS cookie!
Thanks everyone who took the time to stop by and link up!
Let’s see what our co-host are up to….
Selena is featuring Homeschooling Tips and Crafts
Monica is hosting a New Year’s Cash Giveaway!
Time to meet the ladies behind Family Fun Friday:
Monica created Family Fun Friday and blogs at HappyandBlessedHome.com where she shares free preschool tools and printables, encouraging words for moms, and ideas for having fun together as a family. Follow: Blog / Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter /Google + / Bloglovin’. Monica will feature Family Fun Posts.
Selena is a homeschooling graduate and a homeschooling mom to four super special kids. She blogs at Look! We’re Learning! about unit studies, foreign language, and homeschooling with ADHD. Follow: Blog / Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram / Twitter.
Misty is passionate about women’s ministry and encouraging the hearts of wives and moms. You can check out her inspired posts on Beautiful Ashes. Follow: Blog / Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter /Google +. Misty will feature posts to encourage women and family fun.
Herchel enjoys blogging about parenting, organizing, crafting, and having good old-fashioned kid fun her blog Gym, Craft, Laundry. Follow: Blog / Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter /Google +. Herchel will feature organizing and family fun.
Danita enjoys blogging about cooking and shares yummy recipes on her blog OTasteandSee. Follow: Blog / Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter /Google +. Danita will feature Delicious Recipes.
Please Don’t Forget a Few Simple Rules:
- Link Only Family Friendly Post – Don’t make me spell it out…
- Follow Your Host(s)
- Spread the Word
- Mingle! Bloggers Love Comments
- If you link up, you permit the hosts of Family Fun Friday to use your pictures/ideas as part of future posts and/or social media
Remember, bloggers love pins, shares, comments and follows, so if you see something you like…let them know.
And to the party we go….
But wait….
Since next Thursday is Christmas day this link party will stay open 2 weeks! Feel free to stop by and link as many family friendly posts as you like!
Merry Christmas!
Lou Lou Girls
December 19, 2014 at 10:59 AM
Hello beautiful! What a great party, and I love being a part of it. Please come and join our party. We would love to party with you. Happy Friday! Lou Lou Girls
December 19, 2014 at 8:59 AM
Oh my – what a great round up this week. Thanks so much for sharing my pancakes. You made my day!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
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