Top 5 “Fails” of 2013
Yesterday, I posted the Top 5 of 2013…Today, the Top 5 “Epic” Fails
The things you DIDN’T see, until now
In Chronological Order…
#1 – From the post “Anniversary Dinner at Gloria’s“
I was brand new to blogging when our anniversary came. We went to Gloria’s for dinner and I had the bright idea to “review” the place. Of course I needed pictures of the food and since I had my first ever Smart Phone with me, I was all set…right? Well, I’ve mentioned before, I’m not real tech savvy… I just got a smart phone this year and no, I can’t use the DVD or Blue Ray remotes without my twelve year old’s help.
We enjoyed a wonderful dinner, taking pictures all along the way. The next day I wrote about it and posted. I immediately received a call from a good friend, who reads my posts everyday to encourage me, saying ALL my pictures were UPSIDE DOWN! What!!! I didn’t realize there was a “right side up” when taking pictures on the phone and it’s not an Apple product, so on ALL Apple devices, my pictures were UPSIDE DOWN. Later, when I learned how to use PicMonkey, I fixed them.
#2 – Arguably the WORST of the year…Caramel Apples
Our family LOVES those wonderful caramel apples loaded with nuts, candy and chocolate that cost like $5 each. We usually only buy one and share it. So, this fall, I decided…how hard can it be? I do food, I have a blog, this would be fun, my daughter wants to help….WIN! WRONG! This was without a doubt my biggest FAIL of the year! Evidently, these are MUCH harder than they look. We melted the caramel, dipped the apples, placed them on the paper to harden and immediately…all the caramel dripped off. I tried to recover by re-dipping. Result – more caramel on the paper. Maybe they just needed the “toppings” to help the caramel stay on? NO, they didn’t. The end result…5 apples on sticks and LOTS of yummy stuff on the paper around them. We still ate them….sliced apples with nutty, candy caramel dip.
#3 – Fried Ravioli
A great appetizer…when it’s not burned…or too dark to take pictures! I attempted these again with the same results! Daylight Savings time is killing me! One day I will blog these!
#4 – The end to a REALLY bad cooking day!
Just so you get the idea of how bad it really was!
It was the day we set aside to make our cookies for the Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap. All set and very excited, we woke up to a VERY dreary, rainy day…fine for baking cookies, TERRIBLE for taking pictures! (I took them the next day) The list just seem to go on, I can’t even remember all the things that happened, but basically, if it could go wrong…it did! Then, around dinner time, there was the FIRST attempt at Fried Ravioli. It burned. Then about half way through the cooking process, while using this spoon, I turned the ravioli, laid the spoon on the counter, walked away and when I came back to check on them…that’s when I realized it! Melted Spoon! It was at that point in the day I had two choices…laugh or cry. My oldest daughter was in the kitchen helping. As she laughed she suggested I HAD to blog the spoon. So, here it is!
#5 – Rice Pudding – currently in my refrigerator
In case you’re not familiar with Rice Pudding…it SHOULDN’T be that “soupy”. I put it into the serving dish with a ladle….NOT the appropriate utensil for serving “pudding”.
I love Rice Pudding and always make it for New Year’s. I have a “great” recipe…by that I mean, it tastes great. I however, have about a 75% FAIL rate on this pudding. It was more “soupy” than this, I cooked an extra cup of rice and added it to get this result…you should have seen it before. Well, at least it tastes good and there’s A LOT of it!
This wasn’t all the “fails” of 2013, but it is all the pictures I have, thankfully. These remind me that everything doesn’t have to be perfect and I should laugh at myself.
Thanks for reading and I hope you have a Happy and Blessed 2014!
January 3, 2014 at 8:39 AM
Haha! Thanks for being so honest. This is amazing.
Shauna {The Best Blog Recipes}
January 2, 2014 at 7:10 PM
Fun post! It made me smile 🙂 Thank you so much for stopping by The Weekend re-Treat this week and sharing this post with us! Wanted to stop by your blog and Pin it to our Party Boards while I was here tonight !
Shauna @ The Best Blog Recipes
April (@100LBC)
January 2, 2014 at 1:37 PM
I love and envy that you posted your mistakes. It means you DID something. I couldn’t even come close to creating this post because I’ve just “gone along with the plan” this year! I hope to have my own mistake post next year! I love it!
January 2, 2014 at 1:15 PM
Wow. Love that you post your fails also…. your friend, Linda
Joanne/WineLady Cooks
January 2, 2014 at 12:06 PM
Love this post. I’ve had many ‘fails’ just never shared them. I’m so busy cleaning up the mess I don’t have time to grab the camera. 🙂
January 2, 2014 at 1:03 PM
I can totally relate to that! These were the only pictures I had left. I usually delete them out of frustration!
Kait Welch (@ChickadeeSays)
January 2, 2014 at 11:50 AM
I LOVE this post! How fun- those caramel apples are hysterical.
xx Kait
January 2, 2014 at 11:06 AM
Love this post!!!! i’m cracking up because i to have had some “great” fails lol!! Happy cooking!!!
January 2, 2014 at 10:29 AM
This is SO funny! I think it’s great you share this. I have plenty of kitchen fails but I don’t share them but maybe I should!
January 2, 2014 at 10:20 AM
I have many a spoon with a melted spot on it! Happy New Year!
Brandi @ Nest of Bliss
January 2, 2014 at 8:55 AM
These things happen for sure! I know I’ve definitely had less than picture-perfect recipes!
January 2, 2014 at 8:06 AM
I absolutely love this. I have a similar post to this on my editorial calendar that will detail all the awesome projects I tried and was so convinced they’d be awesome, and … not so much. It really is so frustrating to have something all ready to go, and it’s too dark/cloudy/rainy to take pictures! Here’s to fewer fails in the new year! 😉
Cara @ Craft Dictator
January 2, 2014 at 7:34 AM
I love the spoon. I did that to a plastic spatula once. This is such a great post!
January 2, 2014 at 7:32 AM
Been there…especially with the photo/lighting challenges. Had a similar rice pudding problem too. Thanks for sharing! Stopping by from DBB 🙂
Caroline @ Anchored In His Grace
January 2, 2014 at 7:25 AM
These are great & gave me a good laugh! You really should do a post on how to recover from a bad day of cooking or something like that. It would be awesome for those of us who have days like these on a regular basis. 🙂 Stopping by from DBB & tweeting this one!
January 3, 2014 at 7:35 AM
Thanks Caroline! My answer to recovering from a bad cooking day….CALL FOR PIZZA! (I was going to put a smiley face, but I can’t figure out how…did I mention I’ll technically challenged?)
Rebecca Hubbell
January 2, 2014 at 6:50 AM
You gotta love the mess ups, most of the time all you can do is laugh or you’ll just break down and cry. Thanks for sharing yours, that spoon met it’s match huh?
January 1, 2014 at 10:15 AM
This is fun! Thanks for sharing and being so open about “mistakes”. So good to know I am not the only one! I have had lots of “fails” 🙂 I also enjoyed your bests! You certainly have many great things that you make and we all enjoy those! Thanks for the smile. 🙂
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