Wendy’s Helping Bring Families Together
Wendy’s® is one of our favorite fast food restaurants. For our children it’s just about the food, but for my husband and me it’s also the memories.
At the ripe old age of twenty-five, I had given up on the idea of getting married and had told God if He wanted me to get married He’d have to “drop some man at my door”.
Shortly after, a young man visited my church. He worked for Wendy’s® and had recently been transferred to the area. Imagine my surprise to find out he lived in the same apartment complex as my roommate and me. Over the next couple of months the three of us began spending time together and became close friends. The more I got to know him, the more I admired his character and personality…and he was handsome, too.
One thing lead to another and less than a year later, we were married!
Twenty-two years and three amazing children later we can look back and see how Wendy’s® was one of the many pieces of the “puzzle” God used to bring us together into the family we are today.
That same year (1992) Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy’s®, began bringing other families together through the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption®. Looking around and seeing tens of thousands of children in foster care awaiting adoption Dave Thomas said,
“These children are not someone else’s responsibility. They are our responsibility.”
Since then, Wendy’s® consumers and the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption® have helped over 4,000 children in North America find adoptive homes.
Each year, to help raise funds, Wendy’s® offers Halloween Coupon Book* for only $1! Amazingly, ninety cents of each dollar goes to the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption®. That’s a huge percentage! Each booklet contains five coupons for a free Jr. Frosty™, so it’s also a great value!
My son and I stopped by a couple of days ago to pick up our booklets….and of course, enjoyed a Frosty™ while we were there. After I got home I realized I didn’t buy nearly enough. Everybody LOVES these! My daughter is using them as “rewards”‘ for her church choir young people and piano students. I’d like to give some to the kids coming to our house for Trick-or-Treat and I’m pretty sure my family is going to need a Jr. Frosty™…or two.
This year, Wendy’s® aims to give $10 million to The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption®! That’s a pretty lofty goal, so they need your help!
Visit your local Wendy’s® to purchase a Jr. Frosty™ Halloween Coupon Book* for $1, which benefits the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption®!
They’re only available through October 31, while supplies last, so hurry!
Where else can you give to a great cause and enjoy a tasty treat?!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
Rebecca Hubbell
October 15, 2014 at 6:53 PM
What a sweet story and you have a beautiful family!
October 13, 2014 at 12:01 PM
What a great story! And I love the wonderful cause. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Pure Grace Farms
October 12, 2014 at 4:42 PM
Great story and a wonderful cause. Thanks for sharing.
Kelly the Take Action WAHM
October 12, 2014 at 12:46 AM
What a sweet story! Thanks so much for sharing, Danita. (And Wendy’s rocks!)
Pixie Dust Savings (@PixieDustSaving)
October 11, 2014 at 5:10 PM
My husband works for Wendy’s right now 🙂 My husband and I are going to foster adopt once he finishes paramedic school. Wendy’s is a good organization!
October 11, 2014 at 3:09 PM
Every year a friend from high school donates a dollar for every picture a friend posts of them eating a frosty to her Facebook wall. This is such a great cause!! 🙂
October 11, 2014 at 11:25 AM
Great story! My kids always loved Wendy’s. It was their special lunch place with Grandma when they were younger. Since moving, there isn’t one in the area. They still talk about going there with her and hope to do it again next time we visit her.
October 11, 2014 at 9:51 AM
Such a great love story and great cause. Wow, it has to be God. 🙂 Love the testimony and the Wendy’s emphasis on family.
Stephanie Pass
October 9, 2014 at 6:32 PM
What a sweet story! I love Wendy’s, too! When I was there a few days ago I had picked up some of those booklets for Halloween, but I’m realizing the same thing — I need more, lol!
October 9, 2014 at 4:48 PM
I really love your photos! What type of camera do you use?! And I truly enjoyed reading your story! Thank you 🙂
October 11, 2014 at 8:50 AM
Thanks Melanie! You have no idea how much that means. Sorry it took me a few days to catch up on comments. My camera is a Cannon EOS Rebel SL1. I first started out taking pictures with my phone, then moved to our old point and shoot. Just this last Mother’s Day my husband and kids got this DSLR for me….which I LOVE! Right now I’m still in “auto” setting, but working on it. Thanks again for stopping by and have a blessed weekend!
October 8, 2014 at 7:07 PM
I love when they do these! We always eat at Wendy’s on Halloween night as a family and can never resist a frosty! Thanks for sharing about the books!
Jamie H
October 8, 2014 at 2:24 PM
I love this! I have never even heard of these coupon booklets, but I’m so excited to let others know about them! I shared this post on my blog’s fb page!
October 8, 2014 at 3:26 PM
Thanks Jamie! I agree, it is a great cause. I’m excited to be promoting it.
The Domestic Curator
October 8, 2014 at 12:32 PM
That is the sweetest story! I had no idea about the coupon book but I am SO doing that for my little goblins!!! Thanks for the tip!
Neatly-Packaged (@Neatly_Packaged)
October 8, 2014 at 10:35 AM
What a great story 🙂 Thank you for sharing!
October 8, 2014 at 9:11 AM
I loved reading about how you and your husband met. I’m now 24 and feel that I’ll never marry but hearing your story gave me hope. I just need to wait on God to show me the right person. Thank you.
October 8, 2014 at 1:12 PM
Emmy, I completely understand how you feel. Don’t ever forget, no matter how long it takes the right person is worth the wait! God will bring you two together in His perfect timing.
October 8, 2014 at 9:08 AM
What a great love story and what an awesome cause! Thanks for the reminder to pick up my coupon book! (Family pic is beautiful!)
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