Wonder Woman Moments
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Tyson Foods and SheSpeaks. All opinions are entirely my own. WONDER WOMAN and all related characters and elements © & ™ DC Comics and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
The much anticipated Wonder Woman Movie opened June 2, and it got me thinking about Wonder Woman Moments. Wouldn’t we all, as moms, like to feel like Wonder Woman? I don’t mean we stop bullets with our magic bracelets, wield the lasso of truth and save the world from bad guys. Most of us just want to know we’re making a difference and doing something special for our family.
Now, I’m no expert on the “mom thing” but I have come through several stages of parenting and I have learned a couple of things. One of those is the fact that sometimes it’s just the simple things, the little successes, that make you feel like Wonder Woman.
For me, it’s cooking. I often tell people…I don’t do many things well, but one thing I can do is cook. So, I cook, it’s what I do. I feed people, which is a good thing because we tend to have hungry people around here. Ok, by “people” I really just mean my teen-age son, who like most teen-age boys, eats pretty much all the time.
Now that summer is here his lawn business is BOOMING! He’s a hard worker and he has the appetite to prove it. Lunch is the one meal I often struggle with for him. A cup of yogurt and a salad just isn’t going to cut it; he prefers something a bit more “hardy”.
Enter Tyson® Crispy Chicken Strips and Chicken Patties!
I picked up the large bags (because I knew we’d need them) at my local Sam’s Club.
We’ve had a lot of rain lately and he’s been working overtime to catch up on his yards. I wanted to make him a good lunch before he headed out to work. It was our first time having the Crispy Chicken Strips or the Chicken Patties so I decided to make some of both. Just a few minutes in the oven and I had a hot lunch ready in no time!
I also found a recipe for Spicy BBQ Sauce on the back of the Crispy Chicken Strips. It was super quick and easy so I decided to make it.
And here’s my “Wonder Woman” moment…. HE LOVED IT ALL! The sauce was so good he asked, “What is this?” (Not in that “Ewww, what are you feeding me?” voice, but in the excited “Hey, got any more of this?” voice)
Seriously, it’s just your favorite sauce, a little Worcestershire and hot sauce, but it was a “Wonder Woman” moment because I’d done something simple that he enjoyed.
Spicy BBQ is a fine name but I decided to call it Wonder Woman Sauce because it was so good it make him “wonder” how I’d done it. I’ll leave the recipe below, but you can find it on the back of the Crispy Chicken Strips package.
His exact reaction to the chicken…..”This is good! I like this breading! It’s not like that frozen chicken nugget breading.” SCORE!!!
Moms, let me encourage you with this……
Being a Wonder Woman mom doesn’t mean doing all things perfectly. It simply means doing all things to the best of your ability and continuing to grow and learn and become a better example for your children. It means taking the ordinary and making something better or different with it. It doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated, like Wonder Woman Sauce.
Here’s the Recipe:
- 1 cup of your favorite BBQ sauce
- 1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
- dash (or two) of hot sauce
Mix together and serve….it’s THAT simple!
Hop over, take the Tyson Foods Quiz to find out what Wonder Woman trait you embody. Unlock ways to be a mealtime hero & enter to win movie tickets, Sam’s Club Gift Cards and more.
Here are my quiz results….
You share her undeniable POWER as a strong-willed, assertive and take-charge type. You will go into battle fiercely and fearlessly—especially at meal time. The true warrior inside dominates your personality, so you are not afraid to try new things, yet you are often the ultimate judge of yourself. Your conflict is learning to trust your instincts as you seek acceptance from those around you.
I was both flattered and humbled by the accuracy.