All American Foods on Family Fun Friday
Happy 4th of July from Family Fun Friday!
This week we celebrate The 4th of July, THE most important day in our nation’s history. It’s a good time to remind ourselves that even though we may not always agree with everything our leaders do or the direction our country is going, we still live in a great nation. We need to look back on our rich heritage and be reminded of the reasons our country was founded.
Do you fully understand how and why our founding fathers did what they did? Let me challenge you to read through the Declaration of Independence. As you gather with friends and family to cook out and enjoy a day off, take a moment to gather everyone around and read it aloud. It only takes a couple of minutes and who knows, you may learn something new or maybe it will spark some great discussions with your children.
In honor of this great day, I’m featuring All American Foods on Family Fun Friday!
- The great American Cupcake! This Redhot Patriotic Poke Cupcake by Intelligent Domestications combines several All American things….cupcakes, Jello, redhots and the good ol’ red, white and blue!
- Southern Salisbury Steak by Three Generations Living Out Loud. This may be a “Southern” recipe but I’m sure they it this stuff all over the U S. I think this is what cafeterias are trying to pull off when they serve “mystery meat”, but it’s no mystery what’s in this one….old fashion goodness!
- The good old chocolate chip cookie is given a new twist by Aimme at House of Fauci with this Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe. I love cinnamon and chocolate together.
- Pecan Pie is another All American dessert and Sherri at Luv a Bargain shares a Clean Eating Pecan Pie recipe. Ok, I’ve seen a lot of these “clean eating” recipes and quite frankly I really don’t know what that means…I do usually wash my food before preparing it. But anyway, I’m sure it means “more healthy” and if Sherri can give us a “healthy” pecan pie without loosing any flavor I’m all for it!
- Sandwiches…now THAT’S All American! Carrie from A Mother’s Shadow gives us a recipe for a Brick Sandwich …possibly the largest sandwich I’ve ever seen! I’m not sure how you get your mouth around that thing, but I’d like to give it a try!
- Strawberry Shortcake, made with Annette’s Sour Cream Pound Cake is just about to die for! She blogs at This Simple Home. This recipe is just that, simple and amazingly delicious!
I hope these recipes have inspired you to make some All American Food!
Now, let’s see what our co-hosts are inspiring us with…
Patriotic Decor from Monica
Summer Play Activities by Carly
This week Stephanie is featuring Best Day Ever in a very creative way! 21 FEATURES!!!!
I know you’ll want to stop over and check it out
Time to meet the ladies behind Family Fun Friday:
Monica created Family Fun Friday and blogs at HappyandBlessedHome.com where she shares free preschool tools and printables, encouraging words for moms, and ideas for having fun together as a family. Follow: Blog / Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter /Google + / Bloglovin’. Monica will feature Family Fun Posts.
Stephanie Kay is a busy homeschooling mom of 5. She blogs at Everyday Family Living where she shares practical ideas for home organization, family activities, books and education, and health & fitness. Follow: Blog / Facebook / Pinterest / Stephanie will feature Money Saving and Organizing Tips.
Carly is an adoptive mama and piano teacher who blogs at Africa to America. She writes about globalism, compassion and motherhood. Follow: Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter. Carly will be featuring posts on kid learning and crafting.
Danita enjoys blogging about cooking and shares yummy recipes on her blog OTasteandSee. Follow: Blog / Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter /Google +. Danita will feature Delicious Recipes.
Family Fun Friday is a collection of Family Friendly posts to help families connect. Whether it be through encouragement, homeschool printables, craft ideas, family activities or delicious family recipes, our goal is to promote family togetherness. We hope you’ll stick around a while and check out some of the great ideas you see here.
Please Don’t Forget a Few Simple Rules:
- Link Only Family Friendly Post – Don’t make me spell it out…
- Follow Your Host(s)
- Spread the Word
- Mingle! Bloggers Love Comments
- If you link up, you permit the hosts of Family Fun Friday to use your pictures/ideas as part of future posts and/or social media
Remember, bloggers love pins, shares, comments and follows, so if you see something you like…let them know.
And to the party we go….
Carrie Lynn Ingles Groneman
July 5, 2014 at 6:22 PM
Danita, thank you so much for featuring my Brick Sandwich! You made my day!! I appreciate all you do to make this a wonderful place to party. Carrie, A Mother’s Shadow
July 5, 2014 at 7:21 PM
Thanks Carrie! I meant to get by to let you know but we’ve had a really busy weekend with the holiday and all. I appreciate you linking up with us each week.
July 4, 2014 at 10:05 AM
Hello cute ladies! Thanks for hosting such a great party! Please come and party with us. We would be thrilled. http://loulougirls.blogspot.com/
Happy 4th! Lou Lou Girls
Stephanie Kay (@stephmommybrain)
July 3, 2014 at 10:12 PM
I am drooling over those strawberries. We didn’t go strawberry picking this year and there is just no comparison with the ones you buy in the store. 🙂
Bobbi – 3GLOL
July 3, 2014 at 8:04 PM
Thanks so much for featuring my Salisbury Steak 🙂 And for the awesome party!
Have a great day!
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