Has anyone besides me seen those Facebook Quizzes going around?
I must admit, I do actually take the quizzes from time to time….just out of curiosity, and usually only the ones I think I’ll do well on.
Not too long ago, I saw one that said something about things all Texans know or have done…or something to that effect. Having been in Texas almost nine years now, I fancy myself pretty familiar with the “culture” here and figured I could do pretty well, so I tried it. I have actually done or at least know someone who has done most of the things mentioned, but one puzzled me. It said something about “Buc-ee’s”, which I was completely clueless about! What! How could that be?
We’ve done our best to really live the “Texas” life! I’ve gotten back into the habit of saying, “y’all” and “fixin to”. If you tell me you’re going to “holler at me later” I know you’re not going to be screaming at the top of your lungs, you’re just going to talk to me later (probably on the phone). Don’t tell anyone from Georgia, but I actually prefer beef brisket to pulled pork now. And last year for my birthday, my husband bought me a pair of cowboy boots…which I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!
So, again, I was totally confused as to why I didn’t know about, nor had I ever been to a Buc-ee’s.
Not too long afterward, I had the opportunity to attend the Blog Elevated blog conference in Galveston, TX. (More on that later!) My friend, Esther, who blogs at Laugh With Us, who is a real native Texan, was with me. As we approached Madisonville (kinda out in the middle of nowhere on I-45 about half way from Ft Worth to Galveston) she said excitedly, “Oh, we’re almost to Buc-ee’s!”
She could barely believe I’d never been to Buc-ee’s, but at least I’d heard of it…thanks, Facebook! Of course, we planned to stop…I had to see what all the fuss was about!
Trying to explain Buc-ee’s is a little difficult. At it’s heart it’s a gas station and convenient store…but like NONE other! I liked it so much I wanted to stop on the way home and buy stuff for my family…and take pictures…because that’s what bloggers do when they see stuff they like…and food bloggers take pictures of food!
The first place we headed for was the beef jerky counter! They have every kind of jerky you can imagine…and some you probably never thought of.
I’ve never liked beef jerky but Esther talked me into trying a sample…I LOVED it! Seriously, it’s all homemade and amazing! I purchased some of the Bohemian Garlic for my husband and son…who also LOVED it! Not to mention, the dogs…who by the way, did NOT get any but they sure did follow around anyone who happened to be eating a piece.
Next, we spent a little time at the pastry counter deciding what would be coming home with me.
It was a tough decision but as soon as I saw these huge cake balls I new it had to be them! My daughter loves cake balls and they had Red Velvet…her favorite.
Everyone in our family loves Roasted Nuts! There were almonds, cashews and pecans. I almost bought all three but in the end chose cashews and pecans….next time I probably will get all three.
Then there was the fudge! We didn’t bring any home but we did have a few samples while we were there.
They also have Dippin’ Dots, which my oldest daughter adores, but unfortunately, those wouldn’t make it home.
If you need more than a snack, they have that too! Brisket sandwiches that looked divine, kolaches and the best homemade “potato chips” I’ve ever had. At least that’s what I called them….Super thin, very crispy fried potatoes.
Esther said the caramel popcorn was terrific, but since my son isn’t allowed because of his braces I didn’t think that would be a good idea, this time.
They had TONS of other stuff, too, but somehow I didn’t make it past the food!
Earlier in the weekend Esther had asked me what I was going to spend my money on now that my blog had started to monetize. At the time I told her I wasn’t sure, but after loading up at Buc-ee’s I told her… Evidently, Snacks!
If you’re ever traveling through Texas and you come to a Buc-ee’s….STOP! It’s an amazing place and now I can check off one more thing that makes me a real “Texan”!
Melissa D
October 22, 2014 at 3:19 PM
Um, samples? We’ll definitely be stopping by the food counters if they offer SAMPLES! 🙂
Joanie @ ZagLeft
October 22, 2014 at 9:49 AM
I love Buc-cee’s and we stop everytime we travel through Texas. There’s no place like it and they have the cleanest restrooms, which is important 🙂
aimee fauci
October 22, 2014 at 8:23 AM
We love Buc-cees! You know they have the cleanest bathrooms and it is so hard to walk out empty handed.
October 22, 2014 at 7:09 AM
I’ve never been in one either! I used to pass by one outside of Austin but never stopped! I need to one of these days.
October 20, 2014 at 12:23 PM
I have never heard of this place but it looks amazing! If my blog ever monetized I would be buying snacks too 😉
October 20, 2014 at 8:28 AM
I have never been there and I’ve been in Texas 8 years. That place looks really neat! We will have to check it out on our next road trip.
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