Fry Bread
Most of the recipes here at O Taste and See come from our Southern Heritage, but this one comes from the “Indian” side of our family.
I mention often “Grandma” (my husband’s mom) and all the wonderful recipes I’ve gotten from her. Even though this Fry Bread recipe came from her, it originated (rather reluctantly) with “Grandpa” (my husband’s dad).
Grandpa is Comanche Indian, and his family is originally from Oklahoma. He joined the military and met and married Grandma while stationed in Alabama. As they had occasion they would visit his family back in Oklahoma. As most moms do, his mother would make some of his favorite foods when they visited…one of them being Fry Bread. Grandma thought it would be nice to learn to make Fry Bread so he didn’t have to wait for their occasional visit to Oklahoma to enjoy it.
Southern women regard asking for a recipe as the highest of compliments so imagine her surprise when the recipe WAS NOT given…reason being…Grandma isn’t “Indian”..so no recipe. I’m not sure how many times she asked but each visit the answer was always the same…NO!
On one visit, evidently very determined, Grandma decided she was coming home with this recipe, so she watched carefully (probably from a distance) as Fry Bread was being made. She was only able to get the ingredients, exact measurements were hidden from her view, but that’s all she needed to go home and figure it out. I’m not sure if she found it in a cook book or by trial and error, but it was long before the days of the internet so I know she didn’t “google it”. Whatever the case, our family is certainly glad she figured it out! It’s our favorite bread to serve with chili but it is also used to make “Navajo Tacos” and Sopapillas. (Recipes coming soon)
Here’s the Recipe:
- 2 cups self rising flour
- 1 tablespoon shortening
- 3/4 cup very hot water
- about 1 cup of oil for frying
In a large bowl, cut shortening into flour
Add hot water and mix just until combined – it won’t be smooth
Turn dough onto a well floured surface and knead 8-10 times until smooth
Form a ball with the dough
Divide into 8 smaller balls
Cover with a towel and let stand at least 10 minutes
As long as the dough is covered it can stand an hour or so until ready to cook
When ready to cook, flatten each piece to about 1/4″ thickness
Poke a whole in the center
Heat oil in a small skillet
Place one dough round into hot oil and fry
I recommend cooking one at a time.
Turn to cook both sides evenly
Cook until golden brown, then drain on paper towels
Serve Hot
Be careful to watch the temperature of the oil…it can get too hot quickly and cause bread to burn
No Tomahawks were actually used in the making of the Fry Bread!

- 2 cups self rising flour
- 1 tablespoon shortening
- 3/4 cup very hot water
- about 1 cup of oil for frying
- In a large bowl, cut shortening into flour
- Add hot water and mix just until combined - it won't be smooth
- Turn dough onto a well floured surface and knead 8-10 times until smooth
- Form a ball with the dough
- Divide into 8 smaller balls
- Cover with a towel and let stand at least 10 minutes
- As long as the dough is covered it can stand an hour or so until ready to cook
- When ready to cook, flatten each piece to about 1/4" thickness
- Poke a whole in the center
- Heat oil in a small skillet
- Place one dough round into hot oil and fry
- Turn to cook both sides evenly
- Cook until golden brown, then drain on paper towels
- Serve Hot
- Be careful to watch the temperature of the oil...it can get too hot quickly and cause bread to burn
Jamie @ Love Bakes Good Cakesj
February 5, 2014 at 8:22 PM
I can’t wait to they this! Pinned! 🙂
Amy Will
February 5, 2014 at 4:44 PM
Ooh, homemade fry bread sounds SO amazing right now. Thank you for sharing the recipe!
Elizabeth Comiskey (Lazy Hippie Mama)
February 5, 2014 at 4:09 PM
Oh! Just looking at the pictures made my tummy rumble!!!
February 5, 2014 at 8:24 AM
Hi Danita, at first I thought I was going to finally get a recipe for the fried bread that my Aunt use to make. My Mom`s side of the family is from the Six Nations Reserve in Ontario. My Aunt tried to show me but she was just throwing this and that in the bowl and I was lost. My Aunt passed away a few years ago. I miss her. And her cooking.
Thanks for making my mouth water. 🙂
Best wishes, Darlene
Team Southerland
February 5, 2014 at 7:02 AM
I am very glad to hear that you have left the tomahawks out of the kitchen! 🙂
February 5, 2014 at 7:15 AM
Well, you know me…trying to be “politically correct” and all. 🙂
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