successful entertaining

Successful Entertaining and Hospitality

August 13, 2013Danita

successful entertaining

It was Summer Party Time at our house last weekend. Since it was our oldest daughter’s birthday she decided to have a “game night”.  We enjoy “entertaining”, but fifteen extra people can seem a little overwhelming if you’re not prepared.

I like to feel organized, that’s why I follow these three simple steps to entertaining.

Three Steps to Successful Entertaining and Hospitality:

1.  Plan 

Planning is very important but don’t over think the little details.  Keep It Simple!

Decide who to invite, what to do, set a date, and have some FOOD – even if it’s just snacks.  Then, WRITE IT DOWN. Make lists.

Decide what food you will be having then make a list of EVERYTHING needed.  Doing this allows you to avoid over buying.  Check the pantry before going to the store and cross off anything you already have.

For our party the girls started planning weeks in advance. (Although, it doesn’t take that long, they were just excited)  oldest daughter came up with the menu (since it was her party) and helped with much of the shopping.  Knowing in advance what our menu would be, we were able to shop the sales to help keep costs down.

2. Prepare

This involves two things: House and Food

HOUSE:   Please remember, your house DOESN’T have to be SPOTLESS!  We do the basics: pick up, clean the bathroom, vacuum and dust.  Unless you just need an excuse to clean the baseboards or wash the windows, this doesn’t have to be the time.  Our whole family usually helps with the clean up, both before and after.  We have always tried to get our children involved in every aspect of entertaining, even little ones can pick up.

FOOD:  The girls and I prepared the food the day of the party.  If I can, I prepare some things a day ahead.  Some we bought pre-made but most we made ourselves.  It wasn’t anything fancy but it was good.  With the three of us working together, things went so quickly that oldest daughter and I even had time to run to Kohl’s….we couldn’t pass up a 20% coupon and tax free weekend.

3.  Relax and ENJOY!

This is the best part! Everything is done, so sit back and enjoy your friends and family!  Even if everything didn’t turn out perfect…maybe your house isn’t as clean as you’d like, maybe the cake didn’t turn out right…which was exactly what happened to us this time, but because we had started early, we didn’t panic.  We went to “Plan B”…pre-made cookies from our local grocery store… it didn’t matter.  Remember, keep the focus on the FELLOWSHIP!


After reading the title of this post my analytically minded husband wanted to know how you could determine if you had been “successful”.

Good question…What makes “entertaining” or “hospitality” successful?  

Answer:  Just having people in your home and sharing life with them makes it a success!


I’d LOVE to hear your “success” stories!





  • Jamie H

    February 17, 2014 at 3:51 PM

    I love how you measure how successful it was- so true! Pinning

  • Nicky

    February 16, 2014 at 1:19 PM

    I used to be a rep for a home party company. I used to tell my hostesses to clean the kitchen, living room, and bathroom. Those were the only rooms guests ever saw. These are all great tips.

  • Easy Lasagna | O Taste and See

    September 9, 2013 at 9:27 AM

    […] Hospitality is something very important to our family.  One way we demonstrate hospitality is by having people in our home, and that usually involves food.  Another way we have shown hospitality to others is by taking them a meal.  This is most often appropriate when “mom” is unable to cook or if circumstances make it difficult.  Occasions we have found taking a meal beneficial have included, birth of a new baby, moving into a new home, “mom” or someone else is sick. Even if “mom” isn’t the one needing care, she’s the one giving most of it so dinner brought to the family is often a huge blessing to all.   […]

  • Homemade French Bread Pizza | O Taste and See

    August 15, 2013 at 1:11 PM

    […] of this week’s posts are about entertaining and hospitality including tips and […]

  • RaShell S.

    August 13, 2013 at 5:18 PM

    Food, fellowship and fun makes it successful! We always get all three at your house so you are good to go. 🙂

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