Texas Snow Day
If you’ve been watching the weather, or you live in Texas, you know….it got cold AND we got ICE…and all before Christmas! Winter weather is rare here anytime, but before Christmas is almost unheard of. Gotta love that “Global Warming”, right? Anyway, we’re on our second day of below freezing temperatures and tomorrow isn’t looking a whole lot better.
So, what do you do when it’s only a few weeks until Christmas and you’re “snowed” in for a few days? Bake Cookies, what else?
The holidays bring lots of family traditions at our house – we even have one for cookies. Everyone gets to choose their favorite cookie to be baked, then we eat them, along with sausage, cheese and crackers, and Raspberry Gingerale, while we decorate the tree. Although, this year it looks like it will only be cookies because we didn’t make it to the market where we get the meat & cheeses before the storm hit.
These are the cookies we made this year…
Our son chose No Bake Cookies, our middle daughter chose good old fashion Chocolate Chip (because we had Ghiradelli chips) our oldest daughter requested Buckeyes and I love Russian Tea Cakes. I still have to make my husbands choice, Peanut Butter Blossoms, we didn’t have any Hershey’s kisses. Each one of these recipes makes quite a few so when you combine that with the three dozen Cooke Swap cookies we received recently….you get a lot of great cookies!
I have a feeling it’s going to be a “Cookie Recipe” week!
That’s how we celebrated our Texas Snow Day!
Rebecca Hubbell
December 9, 2013 at 5:00 PM
Sounds like my kind of snow day, lots of cookies! The weather has been crazy lately hasn’t it? I live in Maine and we just got a little freezing rain. Hopefully we’ll get a nice sheet of snow so we can have a White Christmas. Thanks for sharing at the DBB!
December 9, 2013 at 4:46 PM
They all look great, but the Buckeyes look extra amazing!!
December 9, 2013 at 4:06 PM
These cookies look amazing! I’ve never had buckeyes or Russian tea cakes. What a fun way to spend a cold weekend!
Kristina Grum @ Sew Curly
December 9, 2013 at 3:32 PM
Oh my goodness, I LOVE Buckeyes! My daughter and I have recently been diagnosed with Celiac disease so Christmas baking has completely changed for us. Do you have the recipe for the no-bake cookies somewhere?
December 9, 2013 at 4:31 PM
I will be posting this all of them this week or the beginning of next. I’ll start with the no-bake. I’m not very familiar with Celiac disease but they don’t have flour. Check bake tomorrow for the recipe. Thanks for asking!
December 9, 2013 at 12:15 PM
I grew up in Texas and I can count on one hand the number of times it snowed or iced really bad when I was a kid. Since I’ve been gone, y’all have gotten actual snow! So bizarre. This is a wonderful holiday tradition- those tea cakes are so sweet. I’m sharing cookie recipes all week on my blog too- tis the season!
December 9, 2013 at 3:17 PM
Yes Sarah, it even snowed on Christmas a few year ago! What a treat. We lived up north for 10 years and my girls really miss the snow and colder weather. I however, like a week or two of cold around the holidays, then back into the 70’s is fine with me! It’s been very relaxing being home for 3 days…straight. Almost like a little “vacation”. Thanks for stopping by. I’ll be checking out your cookie recipes this week, can never have too many. Merry Christmas!
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