Tuesday’s Time Saving Tip…Lasagna from the Freezer
I am in the middle of what will quite possibly be the busiest two weeks of 2014!
Knowing I would be out most of the day, every day, I wanted to make sure we didn’t have to eat fast food every night. I tried to plan ahead. First. I planned the menus around the days activities. This included meals that could go in the crock pot before and one thing that had been made weeks before…. Lasagna from the freezer.
The weekend before things got busy, I made this “family favorite” and put it in the freezer. The night before it was to be served I put it in the refrigerator to thaw, then baked it as usual. Another home cooked meal served, without being at home!
Tuesday’s Time Saving Tip:
Prepare foods that freeze well, like lasagna or soup, to have on hand for busy days.
Hope you’re having a great week!