• Why We Celebrate Christmas, Part 1

    December 23, 2013Danita

    Our family at a recent performance of Handel’s Messiah Christmas really is the most wonderful time of year!  It’s a time filled with busyness, giving & receiving, and lots of eating. But what is it really all about and why are celebrating anyway? Although Christmas, as is so clearly stated in the name, is about the…

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  • Thanksgiving Post Day 11:

    November 11, 2013Danita

    Today I Am Thankful For:  My wonderful Husband, who makes me laugh! My husband has many “jobs”, one being “editor” of this blog.  I write the post but before they go live he reads over them and often makes small changes in grammar, punctuation, or “tech” stuff.   Friday, while at the grocery store, I…

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  • A Month of Thanksgiving

    November 3, 2013Danita

    Inspired by my daughters, who are posting a daily “Thanksgiving” post on Facebook, I will be doing the same…or at least attempting to. I’m already late getting started, but no less thankful. Each day I will post or include in my post something for which I am thankful. May God use this to remind me…

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  • What’s in a Name?

    September 12, 2013Danita

    Naming your blog is very important because it tells people who you are or what kind of content they can expect.  For me, starting a blog was done somewhat spontaneously. I had thought briefly about it and then mentioned it to my husband, who loved the idea.  I thought about calling it “What’s for Dinner?”…

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  • Successful Entertaining and Hospitality

    August 13, 2013Danita

    It was Summer Party Time at our house last weekend. Since it was our oldest daughter’s birthday she decided to have a “game night”.  We enjoy “entertaining”, but fifteen extra people can seem a little overwhelming if you’re not prepared. I like to feel organized, that’s why I follow these three simple steps to entertaining. Three Steps…

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