Small Victories Sunday Linkup #4
Welcome back to another edition of Small Victories Sunday Linkup. How was your last week? We hope it was a fun and healthy one and you’re ready to look forward to another week ahead.
I’m new to Small Victories and I thought I should explain why I became a co-host:
First, I loved the name! As women, we can get overwhelmed with day-to-day busyness. Things don’t always go as planned and we all have bumps in the road that can cause us to get discouraged. Instead of dwelling on what went wrong we need to stop and be thankful for the Small Victories in our lives.
My purpose in co-hosting Small Victories is to force myself to set aside a moment to reflect on the past week. My goal is to focus on the things that went right, you know, the Small Victories! Sometimes it may be something as simple as putting on makeup (that’s more of a bigger victory for me, usually only happens on Sundays, for church) or it may be finishing up a really big job I’ve been working on for weeks. Either way, I want to take time to remind myself of what God has been able to accomplish in my life each week. I want to be careful to give Him the glory and count my blessings.
I’d love to have you do the same. If you’re a blogger, link up your posts for this week and let us know what you’ve been up to. If you don’t happen to have a blog, that’s OK, too. Leave a comment about something big or small that’s happened in your life this week. I love hearing about the good things happening in your life, no matter how small you think they may be.
My Weekly Recap:
Personal & Family:
It’s been a rather uneventful week. YEAH! We were able to accomplish a great amount of school, do a little house cleaning and I made one doctor’s visit with my dad.
My in-laws arrived safely after an eleven hour drive (mostly in pouring rain) and we’re rejoice with them as they fly to Spain tomorrow to minister for seven weeks. Because they came here first, we have an extra car! That’s huge when you have 4 drivers and 2 cars.
- Our Colorado Adventure Continued with a Visit to the Pot Shop!
- Thanks to my daughter, we had a great menu plan this week
- Got a little more into the season with Sweet & Savory Pumpkin Seed Recipes
What I’m Reading:
- Spiritual Warfare for Women by Leighann McCoy
- Lord of the Rings by J R R Tolkien
- Church Histories by Eusebius
Our co-hosts have been busy commenting, sharing and inviting the best bloggers to participate in our linkup. That means we’ve got the best posts to inspire you to read, eat, craft, live and blog well! Who were your favorites last week? Let us know in the comments, we love to hear from you. Keep reading and see if they were the Featured Bloggers.
Bloggers, our linkup is designed to share your BEST posts to inspire our fast growing community of readers. Share with us anything that will help others live a happier and healthier life. Sunday is the perfect day to reflect and celebrate the week that passed and look forward to the week ahead. Our linkup is open all week long so feel free to stop by anytime, it’s never too late to linkup with us. If you need writing prompts or to see past linkups, visit our main Small Victories Sunday Linkup page.
A friendly reminder that our goal is to inspire others through positive posts, posts that are rude or offensive may be deleted from the linkup. Also, since my kids visit my blog, please keep content free of sexual themes. Thanks!
Give some love to your extra special hosts who do their best to encourage and promote your posts!
Ways You Can Follow Your Hosts:
Tanya M from Mom’s Small Victories (books, food, chronic illness)| Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Google +
Meagan from Sunshine and Sippy Cups (lifestyle) | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Google +
Echo from The Mad Mommy (family/parenting, humor)| Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Google +
Gail from Frugal & Coupon Crazy (saving money) | Pinterest | Facebook | Twitter | Google +
Heather from GeminiRed Creations (crafts, handmade, small business) | Pinterest | Facebook | Twitter | Google +
Kimberly from Keystrokes by Kimberly (lifestyle, travel, entertainment) | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Crystal from Tidbits of Experience (family, entertainment, books) | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Google +
Leigh from Hines-Sight Blog (lifestyle, food, travel) | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Google +
Heather from Simply Save (saving money, minimalism, life) | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Google +
Tiffani from All Inspired Mom (family, crafts, planning)| Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Karren from Oh My Heartsie Girl (food, crafts/DIY, blogging tips)| Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Danita from O Taste and See Blog (food) |Pinterest | Facebook | Twitter | Google +
Shandra from With Heart Wide Open (life, faith, family)| Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Suzanna from One Hoolie Mama (family, recipes, fitness)| Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Featured Bloggers
Our Featured Bloggers for most clicked posts from last week’s linkup were:
What Would You Do if You Weren’t Afraid by Crafty Side of Sarcasm
Minimalism: Keep Only What You Love by Simply Save
TGI Saturdays Blog Hop by Ask Latisha
7 Books That Changed My Life by The Orthodox Mama
Life from Scratch Book Review by Based on a True Story
I’m a Work at Home Mom Who Rarely Works at Home by Giftie Etcetera
My Featured Post of the Week:
Art Friday: The Blue Sash by Stop, Have a Chat
Our family LOVES and appreciates good art. Thanks Jo for sharing these beautiful pictures with us!
Congratulations to all our Featured Bloggers! Grab the Featured Blogger button below if you like and spread the good news that you were our Featured Blogger this week!

Now It’s Your Turn to Share Your Favorite Posts and Small Victories!

* Grab the Small Victories Sunday button and place it in your sidebar or the post you are linking up.
* Share up to 3 of your favorite blog posts you want to share. Enter your link below and let’s celebrate our small victories together! Please refrain from linking up posts with mature themes like erotica, new adult or offensive language.
* Please comment on the 2 posts ahead of you for every link you enter. This linkup only works if we support one another, your visits are crucial to fellow participants.
* By linking up, you are giving the hosts permission to share your post and post images on their social media pages and our Featured Blogger collage.
* By linking up, you are giving the hosts permission to email you notifications when the linkup is open. Your email addresses are not shared and you can unsubscribe to emails at any time.
* Stop by our Small Victories Sunday Linkup Board on Pinterest and like and repin the posts to your boards.
* Spread the word! The more you share about the linky, the more visitors you will get to your content too. Please use the #SmallVictoriesSundaylinkup hashtag so we can find your posts and share them too!
Be sure to follow our Small Victories Sunday Linkup Board and repin these great ideas to your Pinterest account!
Lou Lou Girls
October 26, 2015 at 2:01 PM
Hello gorgeous! Thank you for hosting such an amazing party! Please take a moment to visit our party that starts tonight at 7 pm and goes until Friday at 7 pm. We pin and tweet everything! Lou Lou Girls
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